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Graduate profiles

Learn about her amazing work
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Ananda Birungi

Ugandan immigrant Ananda Birungi’s passion for advocacy bloomed in high school and earned her a citizenship medal from Colorado’s governor.

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Dora will next pursue a Ph.D. at MIT in algebraic combinatorics, a branch of mathematics that applies methods found in abstract algebra to discrete counting problems.

Aaron dove into the world of medieval medicine with his thesis, “Holiness to Wholeness: Restoring Medieval Surgery to its Religious Cultural Context.”

Harvard Business School

The growth I’ve experienced at HDS, both personal and academic, has been beyond anything I expected.”

Samirah Jaigirdar

Master of Theological Studies

Samirah Jaigirdar

Jude says his time at HDS changed his perspective about other faith traditions. After graduation, he will work as a private attorney and also run his non-profit, Keep Hope Alive Nigeria.

While studying at HDS, Christopher’s favorite class was “Trends in World Christianity, 1900-2050,” which explored shifts in Christian confessions around the globe from a historical and social scientific perspective.

Harvard Graduate School of Design

For the first time, I truly felt like I was doing work that was very in touch with what GSD wants people to do, which is working with communities.”

Priyanka Pillai

Master in Design Engineering
A joint Graduate School of Design and John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences program

Priyanka Pillai in a cubicle

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Learn about his journey
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Saif Kamal

A series of life-threatening medical problems changed Saif Kamal—but his desire to pursue opportunity never wavered, and now he wants to help others find their opportunity.

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Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

During his internship at SpaceX, Ben talked to experts to help him finalize his design for a robotic hand to help astronauts perform tasks remotely without the fatigue imposed by a suit glove.

While pursuing a master’s degree in data science, Maria always kept her focus on the responsibility and impact that technology can have on society.

Whether on the Charles River as a skipper on the Harvard Crimson sailing team or on the ocean helping to decipher sperm whale communications, Lachlain was never too far from his love for water and engineering.

Harvard Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

While pursuing a Master in Public Policy, Ananya learned how to turn a political campaign into an art form.

After founding a platform that provides safe pharmaceuticals in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda, Adebayo decided to pursue a mid-career master’s degree to help him understand how to expand to even more countries.

For her capstone research project, Maya sought to understand and find solutions for the inequality in Boston’s core city services, which aren’t equitably distributed across its diverse neighborhoods and communities.

Harvard Medical School

Learn about his path to graduation
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David Velasquez

The first of his family to go to college, David was not satisfied with a single Harvard degree, or even two—he took a break between his third and fourth years at Harvard Medical School to earn a master’s degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School and one in business administration from Harvard Business School.

Read more about David

Personal experience with cancer in her family cemented Deborah’s determination to pursue a career that combines her passions for analysis and improving patient care.

There are only a handful of residency positions in dermatology for the U.S. military each year. There was only one spot in the Navy open to graduating medical students, and Mitchell was selected to fill it.

It was an online search for “science internships, Boston” that set Irene on a 10-year path to Harvard where she would ultimately complete a Ph.D. in biological and biomedical sciences.

Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

I heard of people who had given birth during their incarceration, and I was really shocked.”

Bethany Kotlar, who studied the impact of maternal incarceration during pregnancy and after birth on child development

Bethany Kotlar sitting on steps